Punk & Fairies

I’ll get it out of the way, I don’t think I am the best photographer. I over-edit, I over-display, and I over-criticize. Punk & Fairies is a story about me. I think someone’s identity can be found in their experiences. I constantly want to cry, to disappear, but most of all, I want to be seen. I desire more than anything to be understood, a rare feeling for me. This gallery isn’t the collection of my proudest nor favorite photos, but instead pictures of my little moments and how I see and experience others. I don’t think everyone likes me, nor do I desire them to. In all honesty, I don’t know what to say. I guess these photos make me sad in a happy way — if that even makes sense. It’s a feeling of a bittersweet sonder. It’s the feeling of saying goodbye.

I want to leave this world better than I found it, but I don’t know how. I hurt people’s feelings, make enemies, and mistakes, while this feeling of wasted time looms over my every thought. By taking photos I allow myself to disappear behind a soulless lens which I can pretend is objective in a post-modern haze. I think it is my shield, fending off the monsters I label strangers. One day I’ll find the braves to post my poetry on here.

I don’t think I’m the best photographer, but I hope by displaying my photos, you as the reader will understand me at least a little bit more. This is my attempt to let the peaceful punks and the trickster fairies experience how I see the world. Devil Boy was how I see myself, this is how I see you. Strangers I call friends and friends I call strangers. This is my broken wonderland and fake smiles. I may call it love love love, but this is Punk and Fairies.

Griffin McLemore Photography "Jake Light Paint"
Griffin McLemore Photography "Capital Punk"